1.How Allies is helpful?

Player Collaboration:

Allies consist of other players within the game community, fostering a sense of camaraderie and collaboration.

Supporting Units:

The number of allies you have directly impacts the number of supporting units you can bring into Campaign, Raid, and Boss Fight battles.

Allies contribute additional troops and heroes, enhancing your strategic options and combat capabilities.

Strategic Advantage:

Forge alliances strategically to diversify your supporting units, ensuring a well-rounded team in various battle scenarios.

Limit of 100 Allies:

Each player can have a maximum of 100 allies, encouraging players to choose their allies wisely for optimal battlefield support.

2. Working of Treasury

The Barracks serve as a dedicated storage facility for your excess troops, providing a secure place to keep additional units beyond your active lineup. Effectively managing the troops in the Barracks becomes crucial for adapting to different battle scenarios, enabling quick changes to your active lineup.

3.How to increase Mana and Energy Capacity?

As you progress through the game and achieve higher levels, you'll unlock timeline rewards. Collect these timeline rewards to increase both your mana and energy capacity. Enhancing mana and energy capacity through level-ups ensures a more balanced approach to resource management, allowing you to engage in various battle modes without frequent interruptions.